lundi 18 décembre 2017

SAMIR AMIN; Bibliographie 2017

PUBLIE  EN  2017

101 17 01  Le centenaire de la révolution d’ octobre 1917 ; Delga, 2017
101 17 02  La souveraineté au service des peuples ; l’agriculture paysanne, la
                    voie de l’avenir ;  Cetim, Genève, 2017
103 17 01   Ashet thawra oktober ; Dar el Farabi, Beyrouth 2017
104 17 01  La revolucion de Octubre cien anos despues ; El Viejo Topo ; 2017
104 17 02  Octubre 1917 ; El Viejo Topo ; 2017
105 17 01   Ottobre 17 : ieri e domain; ed Marx Ventuno, Rome 2017
190 17 01  Dolgui put ot kapitalzma k socializmu ; trad russe, ed Inir, Moscou
201 17 01  Préface ; in, Erik Rydberg, Que faire? , Couleur Livre,
                Belgique, 2017
202 17 01 Contemporary imperialism ; in, Vladimir Popov and Piotr Dutkiewicz
             (ed), Mapping a new world order; Edward Elgar, USA 2017.
203 17 01  Al maalat al muhtamala lil nizam al iqtisadi al alami; in, Markaz
              Al dirassat al siyassiya, Al Ahram, 2017
302 17 01 The sovereign popular project, the Alternative to liberal   
                 Globalization; Journal of Labor and Society; vol 20, issue 1, march
                 2017  .
302 17 02  From Bandung (1955) to 2015; old and new challenges for the
                  States,  Nations and peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America;   
                 Interventions  International Journal of Postcolonial Studies; Taylor
                 and  Francis  ;  Online; July 2017.   
302 17 03  The October 1917 Revolution started off the transformation of the
           World; International Critical Thought,  vol 7, issue 2, july 2017, Beijing
302 17 04  Revolutions  and counter revolutions  from 1917 to 2017; Monthly
                  Review, vol 69, issue 3,  july-aug 2017
302 17 05  The agrarian question a century after October 1917, Capitalist
               Agriculture and agriculture in capitalism; Agrarian South Journal
              Of Political Economy; Sage; vol 6, n°2, 2017
303 17 01  Maza an al al alam al awal ? Part one ; Ahram 10/01/2017
303 17 02  Maza an al alam al awal? Part 2; Ahram 27/1/2017
303 17 03  Maza an al alam al awal? Part 3; Ahram 10/2/2017
303 17 04  Maza an al alam al awal ? Part 4; Ahram 24/2/2017
303 17 05 Naqd nihaya al tarikh ; Ahram ; 17/3/2017
303 17 06  Al Iqtisad al khales shawaza; Al Tarik; n°21, 2017, Beyrouth
303 17 07  Rouya fi qadaya al mara; Ahram; 15/4/2017
303 17 08  Al intikhabat al faransia: mahzala mukhifa: Al  Masa; Al Dar al
                  Baida: 7/7/2017
303 17 09  Maza an al alam al awal?; Al Tarik, n° 22, 2017
303 17 10   Foras wa shurut al badil al mustaqil fi zourouf al awlama;
                  Al Dimukratia; Dar el Ahram; n° 68, oct 2017.
303 17 11   Baad sukut al nizam al soviet; Ahram, 9/12/2017
304 17 01  La eleccion de Donald Trump; El Viejo Topo, n°348, Barcelone
                  Janv 2017.
307 17 01  Wir brauchnen eine funfte Internationale ; Neues Deutschland ;
                  Berlin, 12 sept 2017
309 17 01  Le besoin d’une Internationale des travailleurs et des peuples ;
                    Dromos tis Aristeras, Athènes, 29/7/2017
313 17 01  Review of the French presidential elections ; trad Chinoise ; World
                  Socialist Studies; Beijing, n°4, july 2017; pp 73-74, summary
                  English, page 96.
390 17 01  Oktiabrskaya revoluzia 1917 goda, nachalo transformatsi mira;
                  Alternativi; n°3, 2017, Moscou

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